Musubi Brand Agency Approach

4 min readOct 28, 2020


Melbourne, VIC, Australia — October 2020.

Musubi Brand Agency has for the last couple of decades been delivering successful integrated branding programs, employing a lens of Japanese design principles to build enduring brands, workplace culture, workspaces and touchpoints to face the future.

Musubi Brand Agency challenges the status quo, always questioning to find answers to major challenges and solve multifaceted human forward problems.

During Covid we found that companies today are looking for more effective ways to improve their brand’s performance and incorporate long-range strategies for the life of their brand and organisation. So, clients today seek agencies that can deliver greater “brand responsible” communication solutions. As a response Musubi Brand Agency has strengthened their service offering by developing a breakthrough in brand communication development and management — the Musubi approach.

Musubi Brand Agency’s Japanese design philosophy allows their acute strategic thinking, clear brand design and creative execution to work as an interconnected combined force. This harmonious relationship results in increasing the brand asset.

With this innovative system, companies can now maintain market strength throughout the entire brand journey. And, this is what makes this approach so unique. Never before has there been a system that fully incorporates the brand’s phases from birth to maturity.

Strategy is integrated into design and design is integrated into human experience.

“It is absolutely critical that when a brand has been professionally developed and positioned to capture a targeted audience that the external brand experience will successfully support and communicate the brand’s essential truth” says Simon Morris, Musubi’s CEO.

A few companies around the world are starting to build their brands more scientifically — and in doing so have pushed marketing to new frontiers. The key is combining a forward-looking brand strategy with more accurate consumer insights, coupled with pure creativity and a brand’s identity.

Luke Tipping, Musubi’s Cultural Producer said “Brands need to establish a meaningful dialogue with their customers because brands are no longer perceived as untouchable. Customers expect brands to be accountable, responsible and transparent. They want them to listen and respond. Brands must get the market on side with greater intelligence”.

The challenge for companies now is the proliferation of channels and the cost of coverage and knowing how to improve brand awareness. Companies can no longer throw money at simply broadcasting their message. They need to know how to connect with the consumer without risking a lack of brand narration.

Major organisations and serious brand managers can now trust and engage with a brand communications firm that can accurately and effectively manage the life of their brand and branded expression to deliver greater results.

Musubi Brand Agency

Musubi Brand Agency is one of Australia’s few leading strategic brand consultancies offering integrated strategy, brand design and communication solutions.

Musubi Brand Agency unashamedly loves brand communication and the team finds design depth and freshness through the stimulus of music, places, travel, people, books and galleries, cutting-edge life style fashion and a vibrant, youthful culture. They, also, thrive on the challenge clients give and love creating sophisticated and enduring brand communication solutions.

Positioned as a total brand communications agency, Musubi Brand Agency recognizes the complexities and differences between corporate and consumer branding. With the depth and breadth of experience and expertise in both channels, we ensure that our unifying creative idea consistently pushes the boundaries and provokes positive perceptions across every brand touch-point.

Our strategy always begins with deep immersion into what makes each client distinctly different and memorable, uncovering the essential truths that makes their business unique.

Musubi’s Approach across Australia’s largest water utility — Sydney Water

Our approach is inside out. We truly believe that effective design and communication solutions begin with a thorough understanding of the client’s business, uncovering the qualities and attributes that fuel the business into a single propelling creative idea. This ultimately makes our solutions meaningful, relevant and most of all engaging.

With specialised skills in brand strategy, graphic design, design thinking, UX design, workplace design, architecture, product design, interior design, and Design Anthropology, Musubi works to blend brand and human experiences together to achieve better brands and stronger relationships.




Musubi is what’s possible. Musubi is a strategic brand agency and through a lens of Japanese design principles we create and design brands, workplace culture,